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Rep. Weber Announces Congressional Medal of Honor Society’s Young Hero Awardee, Chris Stone of Santa Fe

Washington, D.C. – March 25, 2021 U.S. Rep. Randy Weber (TX-14) announced Congressional Medal of Honor Society’s Citizen Honors recipient Chris Stone of Santa Fe, has posthumously received the Society’s Young Hero Award.

"The Medal of Honor, created in the midst of the Civil War, is awarded to service members who exhibit a level of gallantry above and beyond the call of duty at the risk of his or her life. In honor of all who have demonstrated this extraordinary level of service, our nation commemorates National Medal of Honor Day. Each year on National Medal of Honor Day, the Congressional Medal of Honor Society announces the recipients of their Citizen Honors Awards.

"I am proud that one of Texas District 14’s own citizens, Chris Stone, has posthumously received the Society’s Young Hero Award. Mr. Stone was selected for his exceptional display of heroism on May 18, 2018, when he used his body as a human barricade to keep the Santa Fe, Texas, school shooter from entering a classroom, saving the lives of many students at the expense of his own.  I am thankful for those, such as Mr. Stone, who illustrate the value of selfless service and sacrifice."
