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Today, the House of Representatives voted on a Continuing Resolution that prevents a Government shutdown and continues to apply pressure on the President and Democrat-led Senate to pass a budget for the first time in four years. Congressman Randy Weber (R-Friendswood) made the following statement:

"I voted for a responsible spending plan that cuts waste, while keeping the government open for business. Now is the time to tackle the challenges ahead. We must fully defund ObamaCare, and we must allow our military to adjust its own spending, while preventing the President from issuing politically-motivated spending cuts.

The President continues to facilitate mindless spending. For instance, his free cell phone program wastes $2.2 billion a year, the EPA spends $100 million in grants to foreign countries, and the IRS spends $4 million to run its own full-service television production studio. It’s time to cut waste, reduce spending and hold the President and his Senate to producing a budget.”
