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Hagel as Secretary of Defense, a Detriment to Our National Security

Today, the Senate voted on former Senator Chuck Hagel’s nomination for Secretary of Defense. Congressman Randy Weber (R-TX) shares his reaction below:

“Unfortunately, Hagel’s performance during his confirmation hearing was sub par at best, and only served to prove that Mr. Hagel is not qualified to be Defense Secretary. The inconsistency of his testimony makes me very apprehensive about how he would handle matters concerning our national security.

“My deepest concerns with Hagel’s confirmation lie with his stance on our Middle East relationships. His hesitation to stand against Iran only serves to encourage the acceleration of their nuclear program. I am also deeply concerned that his remarks regarding Israel will only hurt America’s relationship with one of our strongest allies.

“It is my hope that Mr. Hagel will stand by the commitments he made during his confirmation hearing. The position of Secretary of Defense is no small task. We must ensure that our relationships across the globe are strengthened to better facilitate a stronger, safer America.”
