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Weber Statement on Born Alive Bill

Washington, D.C. – The Born Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Bill came before the House for a vote on Friday, January 19, 2018. While Congress voted, thousands prepared to march in the 45th Annual March for Life. Congressman Randy Weber (R – Friendswood), an ardent supporter of the pro-life cause, released the following statement:

“Today is a truly memorable day. Earlier, my colleagues and I cast a “yea” vote for the Born Alive bill, and then many of us participated in the March for Life. It is a great day to be pro-life. 

“Any child who survives the horrific procedure associated with abortion absolutely deserves full access to medical treatment and care. Period. And the mother, having already experienced so much, deserves the same. Any doctor who does not recognize the right of a newborn baby to live should be held accountable in a court of law. This child was endowed by our Creator with an unalienable right to life. From the very beginning, it’s that simple, and once a child is born alive, the distinction is made even more clear.

“Votes for life are the most humbling because we have the occasion to support something so much bigger than ourselves, our government, and our nation. Many thanks to my colleague Marsha Blackburn for introducing the bill and to Leadership for bringing the bill to the floor.”
