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Press Releases

Weber Statement on Red Snapper Season 2017

Washington, D.C. – Gulf Coast state representatives, state parks and wildlife departments, and the U.S. Department of Commerce arrived at an agreement to extend the 2017 recreational red snapper season in federal waters. Representative Randy Weber (R – Friendswood) released the following statement:

Gulf Coast state representatives, state parks and wildlife departments, and the U.S. Department of Commerce arrived at an agreement to extend the 2017 recreational red snapper season in federal waters. Representative Randy Weber (R – Friendswood) released the following statement:

“Good News: recreational anglers now have 39 extra days to fish for red snapper in federal waters!  For the remainder of summer, the federal red snapper season for recreational fishermen is extended to include Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays, as well as July 3, July 4, and Labor Day.  Texas state waters will close on weekdays during this period; however, there will be NO change to the recreational season in state waters during the fall.  This Herculean effort by state parks departments and the Department of Commerce is one that deserves proper attention. It took work to get here. There was plenty of debate, but the voices of our recreational anglers were heard. We proved that a solution could be found.

My work on this issue is not finished. This is a stopgap measure as we continue working toward a permanent solution.  As we move forward with this process, I can assure you the recreational fishermen of Texas 14 will continue to be represented.”
