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Rep. Weber Secures Funding for Southeast Texas Project

Washington, D.C. -U.S. Rep. Randy Weber (TX-14) announced today that the House Appropriations Committee included funding for Texas’ Fourteenth Congressional District in the fiscal year 2025 (FY25) Appropriations bills. The following projects were approved by the full committee but await final passage by the full House of Representatives.

If enacted, the bill would provide: 

$113,286,000 to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ (USACE) construction account, to deepen the Sabine-Neches Waterway (SNWW) from its current 40-foot depth to its congressionally authorized depth of 48 feet, as authorized in WRDA 2014. The SNWW is the USA’s leading energy exporter and #1 exporter of liquefied natural gas (LNG). No single project can do more for Texas and the rest of the United States now than the Sabine—Neches Waterway Channel Improvement Project.

$5,000,000 to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineer’ (USACE) investigations account, for the pre-construction engineering and design for the Texas Coastal Project (locally known as the Ike Dike). This funding would support an integrated and comprehensive coastal resiliency strategy, addressing immediate and long-term coastal risk reduction and ecosystem restoration needs across the entire Texas coast. The Coastal Texas Project is vital for national security and economic protection, with significant implications for the entire state of Texas and the nation.

$2,000,000 to the Port of Galveston for the creation of a four-lane cargo corridor, a new access gate and weigh station, and 35 acres of additional cargo laydown space. These enhancements will secure up to 500,000 new cargo tonnage volumes within the decade, increase employment opportunities, and improve connectivity and efficiency at the port.

$1,250,000 to Texas A&M University System for the AgriLife Texas Gulf Coast Oyster Research on the Texas Gulf Coast. The funding would be used to support oyster research, recognizing that aquaculture is one of the fastest-growing agricultural sectors globally and is expected to be the primary source of growth in seafood production in the future.

"These projects are crucial for the future of Southeast Texas. They will bolster our economic strength, create jobs, and ensure that our infrastructure can support growth and withstand challenges,” said Rep. Weber. “I'm proud to have fought for these investments, and I look forward to seeing the positive impact they will have on our communities."