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Rep. Weber Hosts Port Arthur Hearing on Biden's LNG Export Ban

Washington, D.C. - Rep. Randy Weber (TX-14) was proud to host the House Energy and Commerce Energy, Climate, and Grid Security Subcommittee in Port Arthur, Texas, for a field hearing on President Biden’s LNG export ban.

Local leaders testified before the committee about LNG's importance and role in Southeast Texas community and national security. Watch the hearing here.

Witnesses included:

  1. Thurman Bill Bartie, Mayor, Port Arthur, Texas
  2. Dr. Betty J. Reynard, President, Lamar State College Port Arthur
  3. Larry Kelley, Executive Port Director and CEO, Port of Port Arthur
  4. James Beard, Jr., Founder and CEO, Port Arthur Community Action Network 

Excerpts and highlights below from Rep. Weber:


“It is great to be in Southeast Texas today with the Energy and Commerce Committee, and it is going to be a good afternoon to highlight the Energy Capital of the World and soon to be the LNG hub for the United States.  

“Thank you, Chairman Duncan, the Energy and Commerce Staff, and my team for organizing this timely and important field hearing today to talk about the positive impacts that LNG facilities play in a community, like Port Arthur, and especially how the reckless decision by President Biden will have a ripple effect throughout our great district in Southeast Texas.  


"Joe Biden's ban directly jeopardizes Port Arthur LNG, which broke ground on construction last month. They have been fully approved for their Phase One project and will hire upwards of 6,000 jobs with more than 100 contracts with local vendors for construction valued at more than $160 million.  

“When the ban was announced, they were in the process of applying through the permits and approvals process for Phase Two, which is an expansion that would help meet future demand for U.S. LNG supplies for Europe, Asia, and other global markets.  

“This abrupt, politically-motivated ban brings this project to a screeching halt. This ban will cost Southeast Texas thousands of jobs and hurt businesses that rely on projects like these.” 


“Today, we want to highlight how Lamar State College Port Arthur has been able to start a program here to teach and equip the next generation of LNG workers.  

“These LNG companies have donated money, given scholarships, and partnered with local colleges and high schools.  

“We want to highlight the investments that LNG companies are making to restore marine habitats, improve infrastructure like highways and bridges, not to mention the work they do in the community, like donating meals, gifts, and partnering with local groups for projects.