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Rep. Weber Awarded AAPA President’s Award

Washington, D.C. - The American Associations of Port Authorities (AAPA) announced that U.S. Rep. Randy Weber (TX-14) received the 2024 President's Award for his legislative leadership. The AAPA President's Award for Legislative Leadership was created for individuals who have advocated for the seaports and maritime industries, particularly for long-term beneficial projects. As the Co-Chair of the Congressional Ports Opportunity, Renewal, Trade, and Security (PORTS) Caucus, Weber has been an ardent supporter of the port industry and has fought to bring millions of dollars to improve infrastructure and development for ports across the nation.

"I'm truly honored to receive the 2024 President’s Award from AAPA," said Rep. Weber. "I have lived on the Gulf Coast of Texas my entire life, and I know firsthand that our ports and waterways aren't just important but the backbone of our economy. Representing seven ports in Southeast Texas, more than any other member of Congress, I will continue to fight for our ports and ensure they get the resources they need to continue bolstering trade, creating jobs, and securing a brighter future for all Americans. We must keep our ports strong, vibrant, and resilient for generations to come, and I thank AAPA for their work for our ports."

“Representative Weber is a champion of seaports, not only in his home state of Texas but across our great United States of America,” exclaimed Cary S. Davis, AAPA President and CEO. “His record and advocacy clearly demonstrate that he understands the importance of the port and maritime industry. On behalf of the whole industry, which sustains millions of domestic jobs, I thank him for his service in Congress and wish him a very warm congratulations on being recognized at our Legislative Summit: Power and Prosperity with the AAPA President’s Award.”

“On behalf of Port Freeport, I extend our gratitude to Rep. Weber for his steadfast support of Ports on the Gulf Coast of Texas and congratulate him on this well-deserved honor," said Phyllis Saathoff, Executive Director and CEO, Port Freeport. "His tireless efforts to secure vital resources for port infrastructure development nationwide demonstrates his recognition of the essential role ports play in the vitality and security of our nation’s economy.”

“Congratulations to our Congressman Randy Weber, great recognition for a true leader," said Larry Kelley, Port Director and CEO, Port of Port Arthur. "We appreciate your dedication to the citizens of TX-14. Your efforts to support Texas and US ports is well recognized. Thank you for making a difference.”  

"The Port of Orange would like to congratulate Congressman Weber on this prestigious award.  His unwavering commitment to the ports and to the maritime industry has played a pivotal role in advancing our mission of fostering economic growth, enhancing our infrastructure, and promoting sustainable development in our communities here in Southeast Texas," said Lorrie Taylor, Executive Director and CEO, Port of Orange. "With his support, the Port of Orange will be able to complete projects that will not only benefit our port operations, but it will also be instrumental in several key initiatives like helping our local industry partners, creating more job opportunities stimulating more economic activity in Orange County, Texas.  We would like to thank Congressman Weber for his partnership and delivering meaningful results that will positively impact our community and our stakeholders.

“Nationally, ports owe much of the progress that has been made on the federal level to Congressman Weber and his team. Not only has he played a key role in streamlining regulatory processes, but he has also fortified U.S. ports with funding used to construct critical infrastructure projects," said Chris Fisher, Port Director and CEO, Port of Beaumont. "This is important because even though ports don’t have a direct impact on the consumer’s daily life, life as we know it would not move forward without our ports. Nationally, ports support 2.5 million jobs, generate $311 billion in economic activity, and are responsible for $214 billion in wages and benefits. As a port in District 14, the Port of Beaumont is grateful to Congressman Weber and his team for supporting resources and legislation that allows us to efficiently move goods that feed and fuel the world.”

“The recognition by AAPA of Representative Weber is appropriate and deserving. Representative Weber understands the importance of the marine industry and what it means to the U.S. economy and its security," said Tyson Moeller, Port Director, Port of Texas City. "He has championed the causes of all the Texas Ports and the Port of Texas City is honored to have Representative Weber as its representative in Texas’s 14th Congressional District.”

“On behalf of the Sabine-Neches Navigation District, we share our most sincere congratulations to Congressman Randy Weber for his recent recognition.  Randy Weber gets Southeast Texas, and he helps Southeast Texas “get after it” in Washington," said Randy Reese, Executive Director and CEO, Sabine Neches Navigation District. "He is tireless and always accessible. We appreciate his follow through on so many fronts. Congratulations, Congressman Weber - well done!”

“I can think of no one more deserving of this great honor than our own Rep. Weber," said Rodger Rees, Port Director and CEO, Galveston Wharves. "Texas ports and ports across the U.S. have greatly benefitted from Rep. Weber’s leadership and advocacy to support critical infrastructure improvements to strengthen U.S. supply chains.”