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Weber Calls Deal with Iran One-Sided

Over the weekend, the Obama Administration, along with other world leaders, agreed to a temporary deal with Iran. The deal would limit their nuclear enrichment program for six months in exchange for billions of dollars in sanctions relief. Congressman Randy Weber (R-Friendswood) member of the House Foreign Affairs Middle East and North Africa subcommittee made the following statement:

“This so-called agreement with Iran is a bad deal. Allowing this terrorist regime to keep vital elements of their nuclear program, including enrichment, is unacceptable. The Obama Administration claims that this deal prevents Iran from installing or developing new centrifuges, but what about the 10,000 centrifuges currently in operation? This deal compromises our national interests, and contradicts United Nation Security Council resolutions. Instead, it buys Iran’s Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei more time, while granting sanctions relief.

The Iranian government is not to be trusted. This deal is reminiscent of the Clinton Administration’s deal with North Korea, which failed to prevent nuclear proliferation. If we intend to keep our country safe and strong, we cannot continue to grant concessions without first seeking verification of behavioral changes from politically unstable countries. When Israel and the majority of the Arab world actually agree on something – that this is a bad deal for everyone but Iran -- the United States should pay attention and be very concerned.”
