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Beaumont Enterprise: Local House Reps. assigned to subcommittees

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Southeast Texas will have representation on U.S. House committees overseeing space, foreign affairs and transportation in the two-year lawmaking term that began this month. Proposed bills flow through committees before the full House takes them up, giving committee members early and influential say into what ideas deserve full consideration. Both Southeast Texas…

The Hill: Bill would suspend foreign aid to Central American countries

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Rep. Randy Weber (R-Texas) has re-introduced legislation to withhold foreign aid to Central American nations over illegal immigration.  The measure would withhold foreign aid for Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador until Congress establishes they have taken "sufficient action" to limit illegal immigration to the U.S. Most of the more than 67,000 unaccompanied immigrant…


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Congressman Randy Weber (R-TX) has re-introduced a bill to hold Central American nations accountable for illegal immigrants from their countries by cutting off foreign aid. The bill (H.R. 439, attached below) is in response to last summer’s invasion of illegal immigrants and unaccompanied minors mostly from Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala. “I first introduced the Illegal…

Houston Chron: Obama's vision hits wall of GOP resistance in Texas

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President Barack Obama's plan to increase taxes and fees on Wall Street and the nation's wealthiest Americans ran into a solid wall of opposition Tuesday from Texas Republicans at the State of the Union address. The plan, pitched as a way to provide middle-class tax relief for the middle class, had a familiar ring to many Texans' ears. Few on either side of the aisle held out much hope…

Your Houston News: Empowering our veterans

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There are 59,110 veterans that call Texas District 14 home. When the Veterans Administration (VA) scandal erupted last April, I was shocked and extremely disappointed in the gross mismanagement of care for our veterans. In July, I visited the VA in Houston, where I learned more about the management of cases and was afforded the opportunity to meet with veterans who were seeking care.

Breitbart Texas: Texas Congressmans House Resolution Condemns Obama

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HOUSTON, Texas-- Congressman Randy Weber (R-TX) introduced House Resolution 652, condemning the President of the United States and the executive branch of government for continuous actions that violate the laws and Constitution of the United States. This action comes following the announcement by House Speaker John Boehner of a potential lawsuit that may be filed by the House against the…