President Biden released his budget yesterday which doubles down on the same economic plan that both led to the current debt crisis and helped spike prices to record highs. Under the $6.8 trillion budget, debt would grow by $19 trillion to $43.6 trillion by 2033. Not to mention...President Biden is proposing his biggest tax hike to date—$4.7 trillion that will fall on small businesses and hardworking Americans.
Here is a breakdown of some of Biden's Budget:
In the next ten years, Biden plans to increase spending by $2.2 trillion, fueling the ongoing inflation crisis and interest rate hikes. Next year, Biden plans to increase federal spending by nearly $500 billion. Meanwhile, the federal deficit would increase next year by nearly $300 billion. Total spending over the next ten years will eclipse $82 trillion. Americans will continue to have to pay higher interest rates on things like their credit cards, home mortgages, and auto loans as Biden continues to spend us into oblivion.
Biden is proposing tax hikes on corporations (from 21% to 28%), which is a gift to China and the CCP. The Budget proposes a $1.326 trillion tax hike on American businesses killing more than 145,000 jobs. Companies save money by doing business in the country with the lowest corporate tax rate. If we are taxing our companies at 28%, they’ll be incentivized to take their business to China who taxes their companies at 25%.
Biden is continuing to fund the same failed programs that led us to this border disaster in the first place. $865 million to “process” asylum caseload – which amounts to streamlining Biden’s broken asylum and parole policies. $1 billion for Central America and Haiti, again with no policy changes to rein in illegal immigration. $430 million for “hemispheric migration management.” No mention of investing in border wall/infrastructure or combatting cartels.
The Biden Budget would slash Social Security retirement benefits by 25%. Despite raising taxes by $5.5 trillion and spending untold billions on woke federal programs, the Biden administration is ignoring the needs of seniors. The Biden budget allows the Social Security retirement trust fund to go bankrupt, which will result in an automatic cut of 25% to benefits.
Biden is caving to the Green New Deal Democrats and taxing our American energy producers. This will cause them to leave our country. We need American Energy Independence NOW. Biden’s Budget proposes a massive $31 billion tax hike on American energy producers. This comes at a time when oil prices are nearly 50% higher than when President Biden took office. Higher taxes on American energy producers means higher gas prices and more pain at the pump for everyday Americans. Biden’s Budget invests a total of $52.2 billion in the name of tackling the climate crisis.
Even though the government will be bringing in more money due to tax hikes, deficits will continue to increase under the Biden budget at an uncontrollable rate. Under Biden’s Budget, the deficit increases from $1.569 trillion in FY 2023 to $2.035 trillion in FY 2033 despite massive tax increases. Even though the government is bringing in more money, it is still not enough to pay for what Biden plans to spend.